Archives for October 2008

Definition of Un-American

Published on 19 Oct 2008 at 12:15 pm. 1 Comment.
Filed under Election 2008.

There’s nothing more un-American than calling someone un-American because they have different views than you. Sarah Palin has been quoted as saying “I enjoy visiting the more ‘Pro American’ states”. If some states are more ‘Pro American’ then by definition others are “Anti-American”. This is and old tactic, that is being brought up again in […]

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Send To vim for MacOSX

Published on 14 Oct 2008 at 11:07 pm. No Comments.
Filed under Mac.

Title it “Edit file contents in Gvim” leave all other defaults the same and in the Command window I entered: /usr/local/bin/mvim __OBJ_PATH__ mvim is the script that comes with Gvim that allows you to send a file from the terminal command line to gvim.

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Apple Please Fix The iPhone Keyboard – I found the fix!

Published on 13 Oct 2008 at 7:21 pm. No Comments.
Filed under iPhone,Tech.

This is an option sorely missing from the apple “auto correct” Steve, I’m asking you personally, please buy up this company’s technology up and make it the default on the iPhone, it’s the way the keyboard on the iPhone should work, and I’m surprised you didn’t think of it first.

Read ‘Apple Please Fix The iPhone Keyboard – I found the fix!’


Published on 13 Oct 2008 at 8:30 am. No Comments.
Filed under Boating.

A good friend recently inherited a 30′ Newport Mark II Sail Boat like the one pictured here. However after spending the night on the boat it took me literally a week to get my “land legs” back.

Read ‘am-i-a-boat-person’

Why I Switched To Mac – Yes “I’m now a Mac”

Published on 12 Oct 2008 at 11:15 am. No Comments.
Filed under iPhone,Mac.

So the reason I switched initially comes down to one word: iPhone I knew I wanted an iPhone but the first gen without 3G or GPS just didn’t provide what I wanted out of a phone.

Read ‘Why I Switched To Mac – Yes “I’m now a Mac”’